Sunday, July 26, 2015

about love

A mysterious felling ,a subsiding energy for life  or a valley of sorrow, actually Whats love? 

A name of care? A life warming felling that one fells deep inside or a grief that makes you cry each and every night. this word doesn't actually have is core meaning, everyone cried about love but no one tried to dig its meaning. Every one loved, every one cared and every one lived but no one tried to know that actual meaning that this word yield. 
Some says, A emotion guided by human sentiments that leads to unsatisfactory life and  leads to despair and grief, some also described love as most unique and magical felling that bounds you in your en lighted soul.
Really, cannot describe love, one fells on their own way and varies in every persons different situation, if you are loved you live a life but what if you aren't loved back, are you dead? Didn't you have an existence in this world without love?, cannot be described but yet felt, as a mysterious and unique power that bounds in a chain of loyalty and trust.